Now and then, this technology giant is bringing out with more innovation to improve that it is serious about boosting the technology world to the next level. On Thursday May 26, 2011 Google puts forward its new mobile application "Google Wallet" an app. that will be available for consumers to make certain payments over their cellphones at a retailer’s terminal instead of pulling out a credit card, and it even enables users to redeem special coupons and earn loyalty points which is unbelievable (TARA SIEGEL BERNARD from NYtimes). When I heard this news I called my sister to tell her that this app is coming out this summer, she was so amazed and told me that she will be the first one getting it, then i said well we'll see. From what I found out through my researches on NYtimes I learned that the wallet is powered by a new technology called near-field communications, or N.F.C., which is assimilated into the cell phones' or mobile phones' chip and sends a message to the vendor to get paid, that's a WOW.This app will be free to any user, but will require a PIN to open it, do not worry about if your device is stolen just the credit cards inside would wipedly turn off and all consumers will have the same zero liability for unauthorized transactions with their device same as you had your card said Google.
please enjoy it