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Going green

Actually to prevent others from future DUI, I think that Ohio did a great job that can help others when they see that these DUI people are remarkable to others as big DUI offenders, they will be thinking about how not accurate is that would be if they were a DUI offender, from me this is a great idea may it can help to reduce DUI.
Under Florida law, DUI is one offense, proved by impairment of normal faculties or unlawful blood alcohol or breath alcohol level of .8 or above. The penalties upon conviction are the same, regardless of the manner in which the offense is proven.
In 2010, Florida reduced penalties for four-time offenders if certain requisites are met. These requirements include a 10-year waiting period with no driving for the 10-year period and no manslaughter in the original charge. Restricted driving privileges will be imposed during the first year. Also, the defendant must participate in an alcohol treatment program within the first six-month period from the time the license is reinstated. All of these practices are very effective because after all these the real people that really want to change their live will think about their deeds.
Department of highway safety and motor vehicles