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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Microsoft's Windows phone update "Mango"

Microsoft phone update added several new features that will be served the businesses very well, and they have came out with a massive developer tools to let app makers take full advantage of Mango's software tweaks (Richard Ad), then will all these be enough to compete with the big names such as DROID, and APPLE? The app development tools for Mango deliver the best features app that the developers were looking for long time ago(Matt Bencke) and it can be downloaded at apphub. As I stated before this update offers new features for businesses and enterprises that will help them having a better signal to their current status in the industry. “In addition to helping you stay productive, Mango also includes new capabilities for IT,” (Paul Bryan).

Do you think that Window's phone will get bigger may be in the future than DROID and APPLE?

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