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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do not click on your own ads.

Today May 29, 2011 I received an email from google adsense service said I clicked invalidly on my site ads to grow my ads money. I a kid, and am a student who always very carefully read the terms of service of anything even if it's 20 pages before i join i make sure to read with a very understandable mood. My adsense approved email noticed that Do Not Click on The ads that display on your site because it can use against you even drive your account to be disabled in the future. I learned not only read it but applied it in my life as a lesson. I never click on my site ads, when I received their email, I was shocked because i never done that, then why my account is disabled. My laptop never logout of my google accounts for easier log in but the kids(my cousins) might probably play on my blog why it's log on and cause that happened or in the library sometimes i go, i don't know if i left my google account on or what. Please what happened to me could happen to anyone if you let people use your computer, I will never let no one use my computer from now until my life cease living. Never let people use the same computer that you blogging, it risks you a lot. I love Google....

Again Please do not let no one use the same computer that you use to blog or edit your webpage that is not good, this is probably what happened to me, my cousins use my laptop and the home computer also, and i blog in both of them so they probably play on my blog ads when it's logging on at the same time.

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